When restricting news itself becomes breakings news

Meanwhile, the confidential discussion during one of the 18 hour shift....

Sir, Situation is BAD....Even our karyakartas and bhakts have started asking logical questions...
Our every attempt of coverup becomes a news in itself...
I wish our neighbours should help us to distract attention in our DEFENCE

कुछ भी कण्ट्रोल नहीं हो पा रहा, Sir. अब तो भक्त भी logical सवाल पूछने लग रहे हैं. ख़बर दबाने की कोशिश ही ख़बर बन जाती हैं. In our Defence, अब पड़ोसी मुल्कों को सामने आना होगा :(

Edit on 19th May (below)

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